Call for papers / Technical Program

Welcome to the Call for Papers for the CIMAC Congress 2025 in Zürich, Switzerland. The congress will take place from May 19th - May 23rd 2025. 

Abstracts may be uploaded until the end of June 2024!

Abstracts shall answer the following questions:
1. What is the problem you address?
2. What method(s) do you use?
3. What data do you use?
4. Which (intermediary) findings willyou discuss?

Feel free to skip introductory parts and  get right to the point of you abstract!

Three formats are going to be offered:
- Presentations
     - 20min presentation incl. Q&A
     - requires creating accepted full paper
- Pecha Kucha Presentation
     - 20slides, 20seconds each slide, next slide is then shown automatically
     - does not require creating full paper
- Posters
     - including timeslot to present you poster and answer questions
     - requires being present in person
     - requires creating accepted full paper

The CIMAC team is looking forward to you abstracts!

In case there are any questions please contact

Register Now

Dear Author, Registration period has expired. In case of any questions please contact us.